January - June 2008 Meeting Minutes


Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, January 21 2008
Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne, T. Jacob, Dave Haney,  Robert Pratt, Skip Barnes,  Ron McCartney, B Olmsted, R tiffany, M Ragan, R Williams, D St John, R Bodenhamer, T Beckwith, H Bailey, S Hill, D Kautz, J Gustafson, R Burns, M B Campbell, J Zozosky, R Collins, R Anderson, M Dimmick, R Jenkins, K Taylor, R Huelle, T Reddish, C Nibler, M Cousineau, W Pelham, P Patterson, A Ortmayer, X Wilson, J McHenry, K Baker, L Haynes, K Ring, B Black, D Luther. 

Minutes of the December meeting were read.   Motion to accept by Brother Reddish and seconded by Brother Burns.  Motion passed.

Finances – We currently have 123 members. Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Jacobs to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Ragan.  Motion passed.

Legislative Rep – Please fill out and turn in engine reports

Safety Rep – There is an injury every 56 hrs for trainman but significantly less for engineers.

If you have a rough rider reduce speed to achieve a smooth ride.  Check sanders before the start of each trip.  Check the toilet to ensure that they vent to the outside.  Be your Brothers Keeper.

Local chairman:

Whistle Violations – The carrier is citing engineers for investigation for short blows and are pulling no blows out of service.  The only Ops failure now is “failure to start blowing at the whistle board while at 45 mph or above.  They are really serious about this, so protect yourselves.

Peer Support Teams – Currently there is a peer support team in place, those on it are – Dave Haney, Pat Patterson, Jeff McHenry, Chris Gonzales, Joe Johnson, Jim Bennett, Harvey Bailey and Russ Huelle.

We need to know if these engineers are still interested inbeing on the peer support team.

Code “RS” for the Camas Turn – In order to make sure the Camas Turn get’s paid properly, any engineer working the job  must claim the 15 miles code “RS” whenever the job does not get OT.  If you get OT don’t claim “RS”.

This only applies to the Camas Turn, not to any of the NP road switchers we currently have.

Profit Sharing – Profit sharing checks will be issued on Jan 31, Payouts will be announced on Jan 29. We don’t know how they will be, probably lower as the injury rate on the system was high.

Handling IH Cars – Be sure to read the change in the SSI handling IH cars.  Changes include setting out bad orders, and emergency applications.  IH trains are 35 mph.

Aetna Member Verification – If you haven’t done so. Be sure to get hold of Aetna to complete your dependent verification.  If you don’t do it, your dependents may wind up with no coverage.  Coverage for dependents will end in March if this isn’t done.  Get a hold of Aetna if you’ve not done so yet.

Unexpected Issues that Cause Attendance Problems – If you find yourself in a situation where you will be out of compliance for attendance because of a family issue, be sure to call either DeLargy or Matzdorff and give them a broad outline to let them know stuff is happening in your family.  Many investigations would have gone away had the person called before being cited.

The carrier will work with you if you let them know there’s a problem, don’t wait until after the month is over, and the notices go out. 

FMLA & the Courts – The Supreme Court threw out BNSF’s appeal on paying vacation/PL days in lieu of FMLA.

If you start or continue to submit time slips for each day you are forced to take a compensated day when you lay off FML, you have an excellent chance of getting some money back.  If you don’t submit the tickets, you have zero change of getting any money back.  Go to the web site and use the wording listed there and submit one special claim for each day they make you take a compensated day.  If you do this, we will need a copy of your FMLA acceptance from BNSF.

Motel Lodging – If you are having a problems getting a room at Pasco, be sure to call the TM, if he won’t help, be sure to leave a note for your committee of adjustment.  Timely reporting is essential. Taking rooms next to the highway is not required.

Remote Oversight Officers – Carrier has hired a bunch of people to do nothing but read downloads from engines, they will read all “flags” to include short whistling, stretch and power braking, if you have to blow beyond the crossing to get your 15 seconds, do so.  Report all emergency applications.  There is a list out with the top offenders, it’s just a matter of time before they start citing engineers, protect yourself.

Problem with Dispatchers – Be sure to let this committee know of you have any problems with rude dispatchers; we can get tapes pulled if notified in a timely fashion.  On the dame note, we can’t be rude to them either.

New Business – A presentation was given by Todd Jacobs on the impact of the assigned cars folding into the pool at Pasco.  The most significant impact being loss of time at home between trips of about 12 hrs.

A motion was made by Ron McCartney to submit the following proposal to the membership of Division 758 for a vote: have the assigned car fold into the pool at Pasco based on the call times at Vancouver.  The motion was seconded by Brother Williams and a hand vote was taken with the following results – in favor of, 14; against, 5; abstention, 1.  Motion passed and a mail out ballot will be sent out to all division members and will be counted at the next union meeting.

A motion was made be Daryl Kautz for the following “ Sign up for Volunteer to assist in Safety Mtg/Marthon Cookout will be done at the union meeting the month prior to the cookout.  Names will then be thrown into a hat for random selection.  Volunteers will not be used consecutively unless man power shortage”. This motion was seconded by Mickey Regan and a hand vote was taken with the following results – for, 10, against, 0.  Motion passed.

Missed Calls – A decision must be made on what to do with the engineer when he misses a call, held from duty for 24 hours or until the engineer called returns from duty.  A vote was taken by attending members with the following results – held off duty for 24 hours, 17.  Held off duty until the on duty engineer returns, 5.

Results are as followed:  That the engineer that missed the call will be held from duty for 24 hours.

Motion to close meeting by Brother Kautz, seconded by Brother Ragan.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1523.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, February 18 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne, T. Jacob,  Robert Pratt, Jim Bennett, R. Tiffany, R. Hill, S. Hill, W Pelham, A. Nollette, C. Marsh, H. Bailey, Skip Barnes, B. Black, R. Anderson, D. Kautz,  R. Huelle, K. Huelle, R. Burns, R Moore, Kelly Fox, Harvey Bailey, Dave Haney.  

Finances – We currently have 124 members. Secretary read minutes for January, motion to accept by Brother Pelham and seconded by Brother Nollette.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Haney to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Marsh.  Motion passed.

Ballots for change to the assigned cars were turned over to the membership by the Secretary for tally.  Members selected by the membership for tallying the vote are Jim Bennett, Ryan Burns and Wes Pelham and witnessed by Skip Barnes.

Local chairman:

Final Rule on Human Factor Incidents – FRA has issued their final rule on human factor incidents, these include the possibilities of fines for individuals.  These include –

-          improperly lined track switches (switches left in incorrect position)

-          Failure to latch and or lock a track switch

-          Lack of point protection ( shoving or moving rail cars without a person in front of the movement)

-          Shoving rail cars with point protection but failing to properly control the movement.

-          Failure to determine the track ahead is clear before beginning a shoving movement.

-          Leaving rail cars in a place that fouls or obstructs train movements on an adjacent track.

-          Operations over a track switch previously run through (damaged or broken).

-          Failure to apply or remove a derail.

Peer Support Teams – Currently there is a peer support team in place, those on it are – Dave Haney, Pat Patterson, Jeff McHenry, Chris Gonzales, Joe Johnson, Jim Bennett, Harvey Bailey and Russ Huelle.

We need to know if these engineers are still interested inbeing on the peer support team.

Code “RS” for the Camas Turn – In order to make sure the Camas Turn get’s paid properly, any engineer working the job  must claim the 15 miles code “RS” whenever the job does not get OT.  If you get OT don’t claim “RS”.

This only applies to the Camas Turn, not to any of the NP road switchers we currently have.

Unexpected Issues that Cause Attendance Problems – If you find yourself in a situation where you will be out of compliance for attendance because of a family issue, be sure to call either DeLargy or Matzdorff and give them a broad outline to let them know stuff is happening in your family.  Many investigations would have gone away had the person called before being cited.

The carrier will work with you if you let them know there’s a problem, don’t wait until after the month is over, and the notices go out. 

FMLA & the Courts – The GCA has served notice to take the FMLA issue to arbitration.  They sent the carrier one last chance to reconsider their position, if not the cases will be listed for a PLB.  Continue to submit time slips for each day you are forced to take a compensated day when you lay off FML; you have an excellent chance of getting some money back.  Go to the web site and use the wording listed there and submit one special claim for each day they make you take a compensated day.  If you do this, we will need a copy of your FMLA acceptance from BNSF.

Attendance Guideline Cases Headed for Arbitration – There are over 100 cases listed for a Public Law Board, all 4 General Chairmen are listing cases.  These are all the ones that blatantly disregard either CBA’s personal issues or the dreaded creative weekend count that factors 4 days a week as weekends.

The board should meet within 60 days; results should be out by summer.

Remote Oversight Officers – Carrier has hired a bunch of people to do nothing but read downloads from engines, they will read all “flags” to include short whistling, stretch and power braking, if you have to blow beyond the crossing to get your 15 seconds, do so.  Report all emergency applications.  There is a list out with the top offenders, it’s just a matter of time before they start citing engineers, protect yourself.

Problem with Dispatchers – Be sure to let this committee know of you have any problems with rude dispatchers; we can get tapes pulled if notified in a timely fashion.  On the dame note, we can’t be rude to them either.

Taking POS Calls – Please make sure you’re qualified on the territory you take a POS call for.  FRA can decert you for operation on a territory on which your qualification is expired, this is called “willful violation”, and can have a fine up to $10,000.00.  If you’re not sure what the territory is, ask the crew called before taking the call.  If you think no one will say anything, you’re wrong.

New Business –

The tally was completed and the results were submitted to the president for announcement.  The results are as followed – Yes 54, No 45, and Abstain 1.  The motion passed.

A Proposal was made by Jim Bennett and seconded by Tony Nollette as followed - upon the implementation of the AFHT assigned car changes, the assigned cars (E1, E2, E3) will get the first train or DH called within their window at the home terminal.  With discussion the proposal is amended with the following – The LCA will enter into discussion with the carrier to give the assigned cars (E1, E2, E3) the first train called with their window at the home terminal. A vote was taken on the proposal and amendment with the following results – For 14, against 0. Proposal passed.  

Motion to close meeting by Brother Bennett, seconded by Brother Burns.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1455.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, March 17 2008

Meeting was opened by Acting President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt, R. Hill, S. Hill, H. Bailey, Skip Barnes, Dave Haney, C Nibler, R Williams, R McCartney, K Atwood, R Edgar, D Green, K Stockman, K Ring, T Reddish, V Smith, K Taylor, L Haynes.

 Finances – We currently have 124 members. Secretary read minutes for February, motion to accept by Brother Reddish and seconded by Brother Haney.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Reddish to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Green.  Motion passed. 

Legislative Representative

Chris talked about the FRA & bad order locomotives. He showed the members a worn out independent bake valve key, and what to look for. He talked about the wire loop the locomotive chains are hooked to and showed what to look for in regard to proper or not. He handed out guidelines on FRA regulations for bad ordering locomotives. Both Chris & Dave talked about the need to report bad order locomotives to either Dave Haney or Ron Reams. Failure to do so only helps the carrier. There was a lively discussion on supplying locomotives with water, crew packs & trash bags. It was noticed that Spokane round house appears to be only putting 1 six pack of water on each locomotive. It was agreed that the members would do a better job reporting issues to the cab committee.

Local chairman: 

Peer Support Teams – Those that said they wanted to remain on the Peer Support Team have been recommended for that position, these include -  Dave Haney, Pat Patterson, Jeff McHenry, Harvey Bailey, Russ Huelle and Kelly Fox.

Code “RS” for the Camas Turn – Be sure to use code “RS” when working the Camas Turn, and you do not get OT.

 Attendance Guideline Cases Headed for Arbitration – There are over 100 cases listed for a Public Law Board, all 4 General Chairmen are listing cases.  These are all the ones that blatantly disregard either CBA’s personal issues or the dreaded creative weekend count that factors 4 days a week as weekends.

The board should meet within 60 days; results should be out by summer.

 Motion to allow assigned jobs to be 1st out in their window – This motion was presented to the carrier and all was going well until carrier told us that crews are assigned to trains by their assignment.  Currently there is no way to separate the engineers from the conductors.  If the UTU decides to do the same, perhaps this can be done.  Bottom line, it can’t be done at this time.

 Remote Desk – Big Brother is watching you.

 “Bottling” the Air – Remote disk is citing anyone who doesn’t bleed the air down from the control stand, when required.  They consider it “bottling the air” if we allow the conductors to bleed the train down by cracking the angle cock.  This is considered a “serious “ offense and crew are being citing for this.  Carmen are not allowed to bottle the air either, be sure to let your LCA know if they continue to do it.  At Pasco, we are no longer allowed to close the angle cock on our train, unless someone is at the other end of the train to immediately open that angle cock.

 Failure to do an apply & release test. – Remote desk is flagging and reporting any crew that doesn’t do an apply & release test when the rules require it.  If the rules require you to apply the brakes, and then release them before proceeding, make sure you do it.  This is a de-certifying offense.  It’s not enogh to simply know your air is being restored, when you couple back into your train.    

 Testing your Air Brakes before cutting off – Remote disk is checking to make sure we release the brakes to test for movement, before we either cut away, or bleed the train down per rule.  Failure to test the brakes for movement will result in a “serious” change.

 Getting sick – If you get sick and have a Dr.’s note, be sure to give it to the carrier before going back to work.  If you do, they will make your sick layoffs count as medical, and no problem with attendance.  If you don’t, they will count your absence toward the attendance guidelines.

 Assigned Car side letter – The carrier signed the side letter to amend the assigned jobs where they will roll into the pool at Pasco.  The bids will take effect on 031908.  Any assigned job going on duty after the close of bids will be placed in the proper place in the pool.  Those jobs that go on duty prior to the close will continue to go first out at Pasco.

 Final Rule on Human Factor Incidents – FRA has issued their final rule on human factor incidents, these include the possibilities of fines for individuals.  These include –

-          improperly lined track switches (switches left in incorrect position)

-          Failure to latch and or lock a track switch

-          Lack of point protection ( shoving or moving rail cars without a person in front of the movement)

-          Shoving rail cars with point protection but failing to properly control the movement.

-          Failure to determine the track ahead is clear before beginning a shoving movement.

-          Leaving rail cars in a place that fouls or obstructs train movements on an adjacent track.

-          Operations over a track switch previously run through (damaged or broken).

-          Failure to apply or remove a derail.

The members were read the resignation letter from former President Cordes. It was also noted that Vice President Ruzsa had also submitted her resignation. That said, a discussion followed about the importance of a strong President to guide the Division in the path needed for a strong Organization. Questions were asked about whether or not the President would be paid. Answer - nay member who misses work in the performance of Union duties will always be compensated. It was decided that a notice would be posted for 30 days, announcing the vacancies. It was further noted that failure to fill both vacancies would result in the dissolution of the Division, and the committee of adjustment being moved to Division 58 in Wishram. Nominations for both offices will be taken at the April meeting.

 Motion to close meeting by Brother Haney, seconded by Brother Ring.  Motion passed.

 Meeting adjourned at 1515.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, April 21 2008
Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt, S. Hill, H. Bailey, Skip Barnes, Dave Haney, C Nibler, , R McCartney, K Atwood, K Stockman, T Reddish, Ed Taylor, L Haynes, R Hill, R Tiffany, J McHenry, R Huelle, R Edgar, B Olmstead, T Beckwith, T Jacobs.

 Finances – We currently have 124 members. Secretary read minutes for March with amendments, motion to accept by Brother Reddish and seconded by Brother Taylor.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Reddish to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Taylor.  Motion passed.


 Safety – Terry Reddish – Be sure that a Job Briefing is completed before beginning of Job.  A walking inspection of yards is being completed.  Remote Control violations should be reported to M Surina.

 Legislative - None

 Local chairman:

 Remote Desk – Big Brother is watching you.

 “Bottling” the Air – Remote disk is citing anyone who doesn’t bleed the air down from the control stand, when required.  They consider it “bottling the air” if we allow the conductors to bleed the train down by cracking the angle cock.  This is considered a “serious “ offense and crew are being citing for this.  Do not close the angle cock on both ends of our train, unless instructed to do so by a yardmaster, or you are going to run around your train, unless someone is at the other end of the train to immediately open that angle cock.

 Failure to do an apply & release test. – Remote desk is flagging and reporting any crew that doesn’t do an apply & release test when the rules require it.  If the rules require you to apply the brakes, and then release them before proceeding, make sure you do it.  This is a de-certifying offense.  It’s not enough to simply know your air is being restored, when you couple back into your train.    

 Testing your Air Brakes before cutting off – Remote disk is checking to make sure we release the brakes to test for movement, before we either cut away, or bleed the train down per rule.  Failure to test the brakes for movement will result in a “serious” charge.

 Final Rule on Human Factor Incidents – FRA has issued their final rule on human factor incidents, these include the possibilities of fines for individuals.  These include –

-          improperly lined track switches (switches left in incorrect position)

-          Failure to latch and or lock a track switch

-          Lack of point protection ( shoving or moving rail cars without a person in front of the movement)

-          Shoving rail cars with point protection but failing to properly control the movement.

-          Failure to determine the track ahead is clear before beginning a shoving movement.

-          Leaving rail cars in a place that fouls or obstructs train movements on an adjacent track.

-          Operations over a track switch previously run through (damaged or broken).

-          Failure to apply or remove a derail.

 Whistling for Crossing – Carrier will fire both engineer and conductor for pattern of short whistling.  Failure to whistle at all may result in dismissal.  You cannot hide it – make sure you whistle for the 15 -20 seconds.

 Rerouted Trains – In May, we will see a large increase in traffic on the Fallbridge.  Stack & MTY’s will be rerouted from the Scenic to the Fallbridge due to MOW work on the Scenic.

 New General Chairman – Brother Piece has been elevated to the National Division as VP.  This will move Matt Wilson to the General Chairman position.

 Expectations from our crew members –

-          We can expect quality work from those who work on our crews.

-          Likewise, we must give quality work to them.

-          Don’t put up with sleeping, reading papers, crossword puzzles, and constant cell phone use or text messaging.

-          If your conductor won’t do his/her job, stop the train and ask for another.

-          We all need to act like the professionals we are.

-          Likewise, we are expected to act the same way.                                                   

 New Business – Nominations for new officers.

 President – Dave Haney, nominated by Brother Etienne and seconded by Sister Hill

                    Chris Nibler, nominated by Brother McCartney and seconded by brother Edgar.

 Vice President – Russ Huelle, nominated by Sister Hill and seconded by Brother Reddish.

                            Jeff McHenry, nominated by Brother Bailey and seconded by Brother Atwood.

 Motion was made by Brother McHenry to pay a basic day salary to the President or Vice President to attend and preside at the union meetings, seconded by Brother Olmstead.  Motion is made by Brother Etienne to table this motion for 30 day to check for legalities with the Union before proceeding and seconded by Brother Jacobs.  Motion to table passed.

Motion to close meeting by Brother Barnes, seconded by Brother Stockman.  Motion passed.

 Meeting adjourned at 1415.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, May 19 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt,  H. Bailey, Dave Haney, C Nibler, , R McCartney, K Atwood,  T Reddish, Ed Taylor, L Haynes, M Cousineau, S Cordes, M Taylor, T Beckwith, B Bocchi, J Bennett, C Marsh, N Scruggs, K Baker, J Blau, K Taylor, G Bryson, J Zozosky, M Miller, J McHenry, R Moore,  L Coughlin. H Allington. 

Finances – We currently have 125 members. Secretary read minutes for April, motion to accept by Brother Haney and seconded by Brother Bryson.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Haney to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Marsh.  Motion passed.


Safety – Terry Reddish – Be sure that a Job Briefing is completed before beginning of Job.  No injuries for Vancouver, great job.

Legislative - None

Paul Bovarnick -  New Law -  The railroad cannot harass of intimidate for reporting  or providing information regarding certain safety and security violations under Federal Safety Act 49 U.S.C. Section 20109.  The carrier cannot fire, blacklisting, demote, deny overtime, discipline, deny benefits, intimidate, reduce pay or hours.  For more information go to www.OSHA.gov

Local chairman:

Remote Desk hot button items – checking the brakes before cutting away.

-          Making sure the train is either bled down or dumped.

-          Checking to see if reverser is centered.

-          Class 3 air test.

-          Locomotive engine brake checks when swapping power.

-          Bottling the air.

-          Short whistles.

Failure to do an apply & release test. –  If the rules require you to apply the brakes, and then release them before proceeding, make sure you do it.  This is a de-certifying offense.  Pasco is requiring one when you get on a yard make up train, this is because they can’t make their own people follow the rules, so they put it on us.  Don’t be slack- do it.     

Rerouted Trains – Reroutes should have started Sunday and should last several weeks.  Certain stacks will stay until July.

Expectations from our crew members –

      -         We can expect quality work from those who work on our crews.
-          Likewise, we must give quality work to them.
-          Don’t put up with sleeping, reading papers, crossword puzzles, and constant cell phone use or text messaging.
-          If your conductor won’t do his/her job, stop the train and ask for another.
-          We all need to act like the professionals we are.
-          Likewise, we are expected to act the same way.                                                   

New Business – Snap back vote need to be taken.  Motion by Brother Haney for the profit sharing of 4% to remain the same.  Seconded by brother Bryson.  Vote by membership as followed: 18 for, 3 against, 1 abstain.

 Ballots for President and Vice President counted with the results as followed:  President – Chris Nibler and Vice President – Jeff McHenry.

Motion made by Brother Henry to un-table motion to pay the president or vice president a basic day to attend and preside at the union meeting.  Seconded by Brother Cousineau.  Voted to un-table as followed – 18 for, 1 against.

Upon discussion a motion made to amend the motion to read as followed:  Pay a basic days salary to the President or Vice President to attend and preside at the Union Meeting, only if a lose of wages occurs.

Vote on the proposal as amended as followed: 16 for and 2 against.         

Motion to close meeting by Brother Allington, seconded by Sister Taylor.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1445.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, June 16 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt,  H. Bailey, C Nibler, , R McCartney, K Atwood,  T Reddish,  M Cousineau, S Cordes, L Haynes, J Bennett, G Bryson, J Zozosky, J McHenry, R Edgar, B Olmstead, D Lathim, R Collins, B Campbell, W Boomgaarden, R Huelle, T Ponciano, A Nollette. 

 Finances – We currently have 125 members. Secretary read minutes for May, motion to accept by Brother Bailey and seconded by Brother Etienne.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Atwood to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Huelle.  Motion passed.


Safety – Terry Reddish – 50 day with no injuries for the TY&E.

Legislative - None

Local chairman:

Bid Sheet – Please remember that you need to get your old job off your bid sheet before you do a 30 day bump, if you don’t odds are you’ll just be job selected back to your old job again.  Then it’s another 30 day to get another bump.  Housekeeping your bid sheets is vital.

Avery Switching Limits Proposal – Carrier is finally moving on the Avery extension and Wishram will have rights to Avery top stage trains.  We have had 2 proposals pending on this for 2 years.  1 is to give us the rights to all unassigned work trains working between Wishram and Vancouver; currently it goes by closest source of supply.  We will own all unassigned work train work between the two stations and this will not apply to bulletined work trains.

Swapping pool turns – The carrier has agreed to swapping pool turns however has refused to grant this for the XBD, this is a system wide refusal for the XBD.  A vote is needed for approval concerning pool turn swaps.

Loss of Fred & Speed restrictions – You only have 5 minutes to restore Fred communications before you have to be down to 30 mph.  It is suggested you throttle off immediately while you attempt to restore comm., this way you are showing you are doing something while trying to restore.  If you are going 10mph over 30 mph after 5 minutes, you can be decertified.     

Remote Desk hot button items – checking the brakes before cutting away.
             -          Making sure the train is either bled down or dumped.
             -          Checking to see if reverser is centered.
             -          Class 3 air test.
             -          Locomotive engine brake checks when swapping power.
             -          Bottling the air.
             -          Short whistles.
             -          Loss of Fred Comm.

Meeting on Assigned Cars 061808 – Carrier has set up a meeting regarding some of the assignments.  They are probably going to do away with one of the short turn assignments due to both assignments only work one way and DH the other.

 Some pool penalties – LR is telling Keene that many of the things we were paid penalties for are now OK to do this is resulting in claims having to go to the GCA to get paid, before they were approved locally.  This means it’s going to take longer to be paid for some of these things.

Crew Expectations – How are we doing on communicating our expectations to the other side of the cab?  How about our student engineers?  

Testing Brakes - There is a rule that provides for not having to test the brakes in certain circumstances.  Rule 102.1.2 says that there is an exception.  It says to use the table provided in Rule 104.14 if the minimum number required is not known or if releasing air brakes to test for sufficient hand brakes is not practical (only rear of train being lift unattended).  This means we can just tie the brakes when leaving the rear portion that can’t hold the rest of the train if we were to release the brakes to check the movement.

 Cell Phone Usage – Carrier says they are about to implement a way to monitor cell phone usage while we are working.  Don’t know how or the legalities of this yet.  May want to be careful, we seem to be getting narc’d on by folks.  Don’t know who or how, but the carrier seems to know who the chatty ones are.

Locomotive issues – Be sure to let the cab committee know of locomotive issues. Getting lots of CC claims, but the cab committees aren’t getting anything.

New Business – Motion by Brother Bailey to allow for pool swaps to be made.  Seconded by Brother McCartney.  Vote by membership as followed: 18 for, 0 against.

 Discussion was presented by Brother Boomgaarden to raise the pool miles.  With future discussion a motion was made by Brother Edgar to table the discussion on raising the pool miles until the LC ascertains weather it can be done.  Seconded by brother Huelle.  Vote was as followed - for 13, against 2.

A letter of  was read to the membership from Brother Nibler releasing his position as Legislative Representative and as Assistant Secretary/Treasure for Division 758.

 Notification for nominees for Assistant Secretary/Treasure and for Assistant Legislative Representative will be posted in the Yard office with nominations accepted at the next union meeting of July 21, 2008.  

Motion to close meeting by Brother Bryson, seconded by Brother Edgar.  Motion passed.

 Meeting adjourned at 1515.