July - December 2008 Meeting Minutes


Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, July 21 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt,  R McCartney, K Atwood,  T Reddish,  L Haynes, J Bennett,  Dave Haney, Skip Barnes, Rich Ross.

Finances – We currently have 125 members. Secretary read minutes for June, motion to accept by Brother Reddish and seconded by Brother McCartney.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Haney to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Atwood.  Motion passed.


Safety – Terry Reddish – Vancouver is doing great for Injuries, stand and stretch during your run.  SF 500 and 800 series motor – try to move from the lead.

Legislative - None

Local chairman:

Avery Switching Limits Proposal – Wishram yard limits have been pushed out to MP 101.5.  We now have an agreement that allows for periodic position swaps in any of the pools but can only be done through the local committee of adjustment and apply only among the same pool.  We now have all the unassigned work train work between Vancouver & Wishram.

Understanding the hot button issues – Do we understand when or when not to - test brakes, bleed down train, set and centered rule and getting off to line switches.

Meeting on Assigned Cars 061808 –  Proposal and counter proposal have been presented to the carrier and now waiting to hear the next proposal from them.  When all is agreed to in principle, members will be involved in either agreeing or not.  No timeline at this time.

Cell Phone Usage –  Carrier implies they have the technology to check our cell phone usage.  Don’t know weather this is true or not, but may want to watch it.

Locomotive issues – Be sure to let the cab committee know of locomotive issues. Getting lots of CC claims, but the cab committees aren’t getting anything.  

New Business – Motion by Brother Haney to suspend August Meeting and seconded by Brother Reddish.  Vote was taken by membership  - 6 for, 0 against.  Motion passed  

Motion to close meeting by Brother Atwood, seconded by Brother Haney.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1410.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, August 18 2008

The Members voted to suspend August's Meeting

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, September 15 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt,  R McCartney, K Atwood,  Skip Barnes, D Greene, Wes Pelham, X. Wilson, K. Morgan, H. Bailey, J. McHenry, T. Jacobs, T. Poinciana, M. Cousineau, B. Bocchi.

Finances – We currently have 125 members. Secretary read minutes for July, motion to accept by Brother Bailey and seconded by Brother Atwood.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Atwood to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Wilson.  Motion passed.

Committees: Safety – None

Legislative – Brother Wilson will have packages prepared to tell us of all the new information to pass, will be available at the next Local Mtg.

Local chairman:

Train Check -  The carrier is doing ops testing on crew’s using train check when they stop.  Their requirement is any stop that would allow someone to mess with the train.  Suggest any stop over one minute that we use train check.

Cell Phone Usage – Recent crash in So. Cal. Suggests the carrier is going to renew their efforts to check on cell phone usage among the crews.  Current rumors suggest the engineer on the Metrolink was text messaging just prior to the crash.  Just remember the Ricky Gates issue and drug testing, be careful.

Locomotive issues – Be sure to let the cab committee know of locomotive issues. Getting lots of CC claims, but the cab committees aren’t getting anything.

Safety Committee Members – The Division will entertain nominations for two members for the Vancouver Terminal Safety Committee.  They must reflect the values of the Division.  We will take nominations at the October meeting.  Brother Wilson will remain as he is a new member.

EMC and LOC – The Carrier has notified us they will no longer give a “freebee” on the first EMC or LOC as of Jan. 1, 2009.  They claim the NWE Division is the only on in the system that does that and they are moving to be all the same.  The committee continues to take the position we have the right to lay off on call, regardless of what their “policies” say.  We will continue to argue for EMC’s with good reason.

Health Fair – Thanks to everyone who helped and to those who attended the fair.

New Business – Motion by Brother Wilson to invite Mr. DeLargy to the Oct Union Mtg, Seconded by Brother McCartney.  Vote was taken by membership - 7 for, 1 against.  Motion passed.

Wilder family thanks the Division for the attendance and Flowers.

Pl days and/or monies are being accepted for donation on behalf of Brother D. Ruiz, donations are being taken my Sandy.

Motion to close meeting by Brother Bailey, seconded by Brother Bocchi.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1410.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, October 20 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt,  Wes Pelham, X. Wilson, H. Bailey, T. Jacobs, T. Ponciano,  D Haney, R McCartney, A Nollette, D Kautz, R Anderson, P Patterson, C Nibler, C Marsh, R Bodenhamer, T Reddish, S  Barnes.

 Finances – We currently have 124 members. Secretary read minutes for August, motion to accept by Brother Patterson and seconded by Brother Pelham.  Secretary made presentation on current finances. The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Haney to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Marsh.  Motion passed.


Safety – Cell Phones.  Cab Committee – signing of cards, be sure its done.  Getting  some, need more forms, hearing complaints.   

Legislative – Rabanco at the garbage facilities, looking into men getting on equipment while we’re still attached, if it being done call Wishram Trainmaster.  Grade crossing form on BNSF web site.  Windows on Columbia Draw, easy up on whistle blowing.

Local chairman:

Train Check -  The carrier is doing ops testing on crew’s using train check when they stop.  Their requirement is any stop that would allow someone to mess with the train.  Suggest any stop over one minute that we use train check.  Always check to see if train is in train check when you take over, if not, put it in train check prior to departing.  Remember the remote disk is watching everything you do.

FRA Emergency Order 26 - This rule goes into effect on October 27th.  There may be fines involved with violations, along with a carrier rule, a violation of this may result in dismissal.

Safety Committee Members – The Division will entertain nominations for two members for the Vancouver Terminal Safety Committee.  They must reflect the values of the Division.  We will take nominations at the October meeting.  Brother Wilson will remain as he is a new member.

EMC and LOC – The Carrier has notified us they will no longer give a “freebee” on the first EMC or LOC as of Jan. 1, 2009.  They claim the NWE Division is the only on in the system that does that and they are moving to be all the same.  The committee continues to take the position we have the right to lay off on call, regardless of what their “policies” say.  We will continue to argue for EMC’s with good reason.

GCOR Rule 1.10 – There is a new change in the rule about electronic devices, the key is, no usage if any of the crew is doing any type of work, relating to the job.  This means if the Conductor is on the ground, we can’t use the phone.  Voice communication is still OK if everyone is stopped working on the crew.

We can still look up rules on laptops and PDA’s if everyone is stopped.  No text messaging or email or picture swapping at all during the shift, no movies, games or such while on duty.  Movies, CD’s etc. can be used when deadheading other than by freight train.

Assigned Crew Agreement – Carrier has notified of their intent to change the assigned car agreement.  Both sides have met multiple times to work things out and a proposal is on the table ready for ratification.  Both short turn jobs will be abolished with one returning payable at the flip rate of 192.2 miles, if you work both ways, they will be paid two basic days.

We have the option of either having assigned trains out of Pasco or folding into the pool.  The E2 job will change windows to the morning, E4 will remain unchanged.  Windows are expanding by 30 minutes and option for taking other than regular train will exist.

FRA blue flag rule – The FRA issued instructions on how they interpret helping another trains, this list shows what may and what may not be done.

Vacation forms – Vacation forms are available, please fill out and return by 11-16-08.  If you don’t have a lot of seniority, please put down multiple choices.  Don’t put your requests in the computer.  Allocations will remain about the same as this year.

Santa Train – December 13th, bring the kids, Santa and Steam train will be there.

New Business – Safety Committee nominations –

                           Richard Etienne is nominated by T Reddish and Seconded by D Haney.
                           Todd Jacobs is nominated by R McCartney and Seconded by X Wilson.
                           Harvey Bailey is nominated by C Nibler and Seconded by W Pelham.

A flyer will be placed at the yard office for further nominations prior to a vote.

Swapping vacation, if both people agree and LC check, swapping will be allowed.

An Asst Leg. Rep is needed, Andy Ortmayer has been nominated.  Selection will be done by the President.

Pl days and/or monies are being accepted for donation on behalf of Brother D. Ruiz, donations are being taken my Sandy.

Motion to close meeting by Brother Pelham, seconded by Brother Haney.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1533.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, November  17 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne,  Robert Pratt, X. Wilson,  T. Jacobs, T. Ponciano,  D Haney,  Wes Cacus, R. Hill, M. Campbell, D. Robertson, L, Shimmin, M. Cousineau, S. Hill, C. Gunther, D. Lathim, R. Huelle, R. Chacon, G. Bryson, K. Huelle, S. Cordes,  C Nibler, K. Baker, K. Ruzsa, R. Moore, K. Ring, M. Taylor, D. StJohn, M. Fisher, W. Barnes.

Finances – We currently have 124 members. Secretary read minutes for October, motion to accept by Brother Cordes and seconded by Brother Reddish, Motion passed.  Secretary made presentation on current finances.  The bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Brother Haney to pay the bills, seconded by Brother Ponciano.  Motion passed.

Guest – Chris Delargey – Safety in the terminal has been excellent, goal for 2009 is to go injury free.  His door is for any and all suggestions.  WPO is working in Spokane and would like to implement it here.


Safety – None   

Legislative –  None

Local chairman:

HOS Law – The law has been signed into effect by the President.  The hours worked restricted to 276 hours a month, can only be on duty 12 hours a day, limbo time counts toward the 276 hour max.  10 hours min rest required and you can’t go back on duty without 10 hours rest in the last 24 hours, any limbo time is added to the 10 hour mandatory rest.  6 consecutive days require 48 mandatory hours off, a 7th day may be worked to bet back to home terminal, if 7th day is worked, a 72 hour rest is required.  Limbo time is restricted to 40 hours per month for the first 12 months and 30 hours per month after 12 months.  4 or more only counts when restricted from going to tie up point by a casualty, obstruction, act of God or unforeseen derailment.  

FRA Emergency Order 26 & Rule 1.10 – Feds says each crew member is responsible for the other member, if Conductor won’t follow the rules, you can be held responsible.

Safety Committee Members – The Division will entertain nominations for two members for the Vancouver Terminal Safety Committee.  They must reflect the values of the Division.  We will take nominations at the October meeting.  Brother Wilson will remain as he is a new member.

GCOR Rule 1.10 Ops Testing – Carrier cannot call or text your phone to see if you will answer, direct observation is only testing method.  Carrier may only ask you if your phone is turned off if it’s in view, if carrier sees blinking light  or hears ring or vibration, they can ask you to show them your power setting.  If no phone is in view, carrier may only ask you if your phone is on, verbal answer is sufficient.  Direct observation of use of phone or device is a failure.  Use of the clock on a phone is not accepted.  Use of laptop or PDA when moving is an exception, laptops or PDA’s can only be used for rules and bulletins when stopped.

Assigned Crew Agreement – Carrier has notified of their intent to change the assigned car agreement.  Both sides have met multiple times to work things out and a proposal is on the table ready for ratification.  Both short turn jobs will be abolished with one returning payable at the flip rate of 192.2 miles, if you work both ways, they will be paid two basic days.

We have the option of either having assigned trains out of Pasco or folding into the pool.  The E2 job will change windows to the morning, E4 will remain unchanged.  Windows are expanding by 30 minutes and option for taking other than regular train will exist.  It’s your choice, what do you want to do?

Night Dining at Pasco – King City is now closed at night.  Currently Denny’s in Kennewick is the only 24 hour spot, Jeep is looking for others.  Remember the motel is responsible for transport, not CSS.  Any problems, notify TM or Jeep, and your local committee of adjustments.

Code CC on locomotive door seals – LR has instructed the carrier not to pay these claims any more.  They say the temp in the cab can remain over 50 degrees even with bad seals; they refuse to acknowledge rain and wind.  Suggest if you know the seals are bad before leaving town, request another locomotive, empower yourself, water and 600 volts don’t mix.

If forced to take it, put in for a basic day penalty citing Article X of the 1985 agreement, this is not a money issue, it’s about a safety and empowerment issue.  It’s because of becoming a money issue that LR is now refusing to pay the claim.  

Vacation forms – Vacation forms are now due, please get in ASAP.

Roll by for Amtrak – FRA has cited carrier for crews not rolling Amtrak.  We’ve explained the safety aspect of why we don’t, carrier acknowledges that Amtrak is still dumping gray water and says to continue to take the safest course of action.  They will try to get a waiver from FRA.

H&W Contributions – Member contributions will be going up $4.71 to 166.25 in January.  This is only a 2.8% increase.  Lower co-pays for using Nurse Practitioners, Physician Asst. Physical Therapists & Chiropractors.  

Santa Train – December 13th, bring the kids, Santa and Steam train will be there.

New Business – Motion by Brother Jacobs to send out ballots to the membership for the 3 choices on the Assigned Car assignments, the choices are – To accept agreement and roll into the pool.  To accept agreement and take assigned train.  Reject the agreement and eliminate the assigned cars.  The motion was seconded by Brother Robertson.  Passed unanimously.

Motion to include the Safety Committee nominations on the Assigned Car ballot was made by Brother Haney and seconded by Brother Robertson, motion unanimously passed.

An Asst Leg. Rep is needed, Robert Hill has been appointed by the President.

 Motion to close meeting by Brother Haney, seconded by Brother Robertson.  Motion passed.

 Meeting adjourned at 1535.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, December  15 2008

Meeting was opened by President in Due Form.

Members Attending – R. Etienne, R. Pratt, H. Bailey, C. Nibler, T. Jacobs, K. Huelle, R. Huelle, V. Smith, L. Weed, K. Ring, W. Pelham, R. McCartney, K. Atwood, A. Nollette, J. McHenry, S. Barnes

Furloughs – Things are going to be tight for awhile.  Younger employees should try to keep available for work.  One day of work gets a month’s credit for RR retirement; 7 days start medical benefits.  As of this date, no word on yard job or road switcher cuts.

Handling Cars Ahead of Engine Ops Testing – Carrier is going to get specific with wording used for handling cards ahead of engines;

EMC & LOC – The Carrier will no longer give the “freebie” on LOC’S & EMC’s after January 1, 2009.  This committee still takes the position that LOC’s are okay as long as a responsible party lays you off.

 Night Dining at Pasco – Carrier is still working on getting places for night dining.

Code CC on Locomotive Door Seals – LR has instructed the Carrier not to pay these claims any more.  They say the temp in the cab can remain over 50 degrees even with bad seals.  They refuse to acknowledge rain and wind.  Suggest if you know the seals are bad before leaving town request another locomotive.  Empower yourself.  Water and 600 volts don’t mix.  If forced to take it, put in for a bsic day penalty citing Article X of the 1985 agreement.  This is not a money issue, it’s about safety and empowerment.  It’s because of becoming a money issue that LR is now refusing to pay the claims.

Vacations – Vacations are in the computer, posted on the web and in the yard office.

Assigned Crew Agreement – Carrier has notified of their intent to change the assigned car agreement.  Both sides have met multiple times to work things out and a proposal is on the table ready for ratification.  Both short turn jobs will be abolished with one returning payable at the flip rate of 192.2 miles.  If a person work both days that person will be paid two basic days.

H & W Contributions – Member contributions will go up $4.71 $166.25 in January.  This is a 2.8% increase.   Lower co-pays for using Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Physical Therapists and Chiropractors.

 Claims Conference Agreement – A proposal is out to make it easier to do claims conferencing.  This agreement allows us to bypass the rubber stamp declinations of payroll when unable to agree at conference with Carrier.

New Business – Ballots on assigned car proposal has been counted by Brothers Ring, R. Huelle and Atwood.  The results are to roll  the assigned car into the pool upon there on duty time at Vancouver. 

The results for the Safety Committee members are Harvey Bailey and Todd Jacobs are voted in for a period of 3 years.

A motion is made by Brother Bailey to have the BLET membership present a gift for members upon retirement, seconded by Brother Pelham.  Voted on and passed unanimously.

Old Business –  WPO’s, Discussion by Brother Etienne, motion to accept by Brother Nollette and seconded by Brother Huelle.  Vote by membership and passed unanimously.

Motion by Brother Bailey to make Brother Huelle the president of the WPO Committee, seconded by Brother Pelham.  Vote by membership and passed unanimously,  Brother Huelle will be appointed by acclamation.

Motion to close meeting by Brother Huelle, seconded by Brother Weed.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1425