July - December 2012 Meeting Minutes


Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, July 16, 2012

Meeting was opened by the President in Due Form.

Members in attendance – R Pratt, R Etienne, C Nibler, T Jacobs, R. Jacobs, R. Hill, R. Bodenhamer, W. Cacas, J. Eddins, C. Howard, K. Newell, J. Dobson,  K. Dunn, M. Bahr, K.  Black, T Clark, K Atwood, S. Clark, M. Miller, R. McCartney, K. Howard, W. Pellens, D. Richardson, G. Howell.

Motion to dispense reading of the June minutes was made by Brother Hill, seconded by Brother Bryson, motion passed.

Presentation of bills made by Secretary, Motion to pay bills by Brother Richardson, seconded by Brother Hill.  Motion passed.

The current membership is 144

Safety / Cab Committee –  Safety Mtg will be Thur. 0830 at the Quay.  Health fair will be Aug 25th  at Firstenberg Club.  Fines were put in at Appletree, but not to our satisfaction.  Two seats have been replaced.  RCO operators need to inspect the Engines.

Legislative Rep –  Donate to the Pac.  BLET Auxilary applications are available, by law are available on line 

Local Chairman –

Roosevelt Air Tests. - Carrier's notice says a Class 3 air test is all that's required at Roosevelt, however if the conditions that allow for a class 3 don't exist, then we still have to do a Class 1. 

Triangle –  Data is still being gathered for New York Dock, have to wait until everyone affected is accounted for.  Nothing for anyone to do except try to hold the highest job you can hold.  The carrier continues to violate our agreements, failure to release force assigned engineers when younger demotes are available, failure to allow regulation of the triangle pool, failure to bulletin triangle turns 7 days, failure to allow force assigned engineers to bid off job, failure to allow us to regulate our pool at time of board changes. 

First in Pool dispute –  If you didn't layoff before vacation you have the right to be repositioned where your turn was when you come back,  you also have the right to be repositioned behind the turn you went on duty behind at Vancouver if you find someone was placed between your turn and  the one you left town behind.  This applies only if you worked a road trip and tied up, finding a new turn between you and the one you followed.  I hope everyone would know the turns they are between. 

Excessive Held Away -  The carrier is so intent on this triangle, the held away has skyrocketed.  A service interruption at McCredie happened Saturday night, despite may phone calls no one would do a thing, Corridor Supt. Didn't even bother to return messages,  chief said not his job, no one cared enough to do a thing.  I would hope we can return the favor when they start having manpower shortages.  Due to being returned to the foot of the board, why would we want to work off our assignment for them?  We can quietly stop doing favors for them, and stop offering suggestions to get things done.  Its their railroad, let them run it.

Safety Participation –  On that same note, we need to keep safety participation away from this non-participation.  Reason for that is we currently have almost 50 disciplines waiting for arbitration for denial of alternative handling, if we pull out of safety, this may hurt our cases, and too many members pending to take a chance.  Based  on what the carrier is doing these days, it is probable they would use withdrawal against us in arbitration. 

Foot of the Board Agreement –  If we are to go to the bottom of the board when we lay off, do we want to look at FOB agreement?  Before we ignored it because we didn't want to lose out place in the pool, if that's gone, maybe we want to take a look again,  We can discuss for a couple of months, then descide. 

LXU Layoffs – The carrier has tweaked the attendance guidelines once again, this applies to taking notifications, they now count “waiting for turn” as a layoff, this applies to XBD and pool employees.  This does not apply if the job you are being bumped off was a regular assignment, TVA rules are particularly vulnerable to this.  Be careful about taking your notification.

Whistleblower Law – OSHA advises us that the carrier has tried to inject themselves as attorneys for witnesses in Whistleblower cases.  OSHA says baloney.  Be careful if carrier tries to ask you questions about any pending whistleblower cases.  Witnesses are guaranteed anonymity and may not have there name given out, if in doubt, call your union rep.  If the carrier tries this, be sure to report it.

Division Elections coming up in Oct. - We want to have a thriving vibrant Division in future years, now is the time to think about running for office in the Division.  Historically it's always been who will take the job, no more – we need members driven to want the various positions.  The IBT bylaws require that anyone running for office must be a member in good standing for the last 24 months. Anyone short of that time, due to being off, may pay the national division part of the dues for those months short, to allow for being in good standing.  If interested, please run.

Forwarded claims without paperwork – Claims are still being forwarded with no attempt to leave paperwork necessary to work the claim.  These will start being returned to the Claimant.

New Business

Motion to close meeting by Brother Richardson and seconded by Brother Atwood.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1501

Sorry - Due to the Secretary/Treasurer's failure to provide the minutes, there are no archives for August 2012.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, September 17, 2012

Meeting was opened by the President in Due Form.

 Members in attendance – R Pratt, R Etienne, C Nibler,  J. Dobson,  M. Bahr,  K. Howard, S. Roaldson, R. Tiffany, D. McIver, G. Bryson, M. Ragan, K. Anderson, N. Scruggs, P. Nuebel, R. Hill, J. Zozosky, W. Pelham, T. Jacobs, D. Luther, T. Clark, D. Keder, R. Bodenhamer, K. Morgan, J. Eddins, E. Taylor, T. Brown, J. McHenry, G. Howell, R. Maggio, K. Atwood, R. Toedtemeier, W Knowles, L. Coughlin, D. Byrum, S. Clark.

 Motion to dispense reading of the August minutes was made by Brother Bahr, seconded by Brother Byrum, motion passed.

 Presentation of bills made by Secretary, Motion to pay bills by Brother Anderson, seconded by Brother Clark.  Motion passed.

 The current membership is 145

 Safety / Cab Committee –  Bi Monthly meeting will be held at the Red Lion Quay at 0830, 092012.  Updated story books will be available.  Working on all SIRPS.  Hostlers are required to sign inspection cards. Don't let them of the hook.

 Legislative Rep –  Possible strike on the docks, don't cross the line.  One man crew issues are coming up again.

 Local Chairman

 Remote Zones – Be sure you remember the two RCO zones up at the north end of the yard.  A violation would be a decert issue.

Attendance GuidelinesCarrier has tweaked the guidelines once more, now they are counting any regular days off against the 25%.  Just making it harder to get any time off.

 Push Alert – We recommend everyone set up a push alert, especially to record changes in lineup by more than 2 hours.  We cannot seem to prove how bad the lineup is as no records.  Push alerts to your phone can be kept and printed out to show how much it changes.  Easy to do, easy to keep track of.

Running through switches while shoving – Carrier is making any run thru switch while shoving a Level S.  Suggest no shoving unless necessary.  Backing up with loco consists is not considered shoving until we take a signal from man on point.

Triangle Runarounds –   Please continue to put in claims if you are 1st out rested behind any triangle crew, the more paperwork we generate now, the better the payout will be if we win. If you are next out and they run two of them, put in two claims. 

Triangle Arbitration -. GCA has started the process to get arbitration for the triangle. The steps are that both sides have to agree on arbitration and the carrier does not because it is working for them.  After a certain time, they may be forced to go to arbitration, then a neutral has to be picked.

Both sides strike those they do not like, until either they agree on one, or there is only 1 left.  Schedule a board with the neutral, prepare briefs, gather documentation, then travel to arbitration hearing and present case.  Wait for results. 

All this can take awhile, and we don't want to rush in as the decision is final.

Bylaws prevent General Chairman from corresponding with members unless through the LC.

Typing up Timeslips – Carrier is auditing timeslips for tie ups. Recently a Seattle crew was fired simply because the Engr. tied up the crew, no stealing of time was involved.  Carrier chooses to be inflexible concerning any infractions, protect yourself.  Suggest we be completely up front when we tie up, not worth losing our jobs for a few minutes.  Each person be sure to tie up their own tickets.

Lucero & RB McCord swapping positions in Oct. - Carrier plans to have Lucero and RB McCord switch positions Oct 1.  Lucero will be Pasco Terminal Supt. and McCord will be Supt. of Ops and be based in Pasco.

Longshoremen contract expires Sept 30. - The grain handler's contract expires Sept. 30, Harvest States, Columbia & United will be affected, we will not cross the picket lines.  Carrier will deliver trains to those locations if picket lines are up.  Past practice has been friendly with them when we honor their lines.  I suggest we ops test the carrier when they are on our trains, video of their errors would be great.

Article 11 (Seniority – Vacation) Mark ups. - Please remember that when marking up under Article 11 issues, you are allowed to “await turn”.  When returning from vacation, and reclaiming your turn, you may await turn if out of town and if displacing youngest engr. in pool and is out of town, you may await turn.  If exercising bump, and turn is out of town, you may await turn.  Make sure crew does this and be sure to report any refusals by crew to do so, don't wait until your turn has already gone to work. 

If marking up from any PLD or regular layoff, you go to the bottom of the board.

 GCA Moves to Own Building – Our GCA has moved out of the office buildings they have had for some years.  They bought property and are building an office.  This will reduce the expenses of the committee, as they will be owning rather than renting.  The address is 1716 Western Center Blvd., Ft. Worth TX 76131.

New Business -

Nominations for Division 758 officers are as follows:


Chris Nibler                 Nominated by M. Bahr and Seconded by R. Hill
Russ Huelle                 Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by M. Ragan.

Vice President

Darrin McIver             Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by T. Brown
Don Bryum                 Nominated by R. Hill and Seconded by T. Brown.


Scott Cordes               Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by G. Bryson (Elected by acclamation)

Asst. Sec/Tres

Robert Pratt                Nominated by G. Bryson and Seconded by R. Hill (Elected by acclamation)


Nate Scruggs               Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by P. Nuebel (Elected by acclamation)


Pat Patterson               Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by P. Nuebel (Elected by acclamation)

Delegate to ND

Dean Richardson        Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by K. Howard
Robert Hill                 Nominated by D. Luther and Seconded by S. Clark 

First Alt to ND

Mike Bahr                  Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by D. Luther (Elected by acclamation)

Second Alt to ND

Todd Jacobs                Nominated by C. Nibler and Seconded by D. Richardson (Elected by acclamation)

Legislative Rep.

Kevin Howard            Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by D. Richardson
Robert Hill                  Nominated by R. Tiffany and Seconded by D. Luther

Alt Legislative Rep.

William Knowles         Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by D. Luther (Elected by acclamation)

Local Chairman

Dean Richardson        Nominated by R. Etienne and Seconded by P. Nuebel (Elected by acclamation)

First Vice Local Chairman

Mike Bahr                   Nominated by G. Bryson and Seconded by R. Roaldson.
Rod Tiffany                Nominated by J. Dobson and Seconded by J. Zozosky

Second Vice Local Chairman

Howard Allington       Nominated by C. Nibler and Seconded by K. Anderson
Todd Jacobs                Nominated by R. Pratt and Seconded by R. Roaldson

Nominations for Election Committee by Chris Nibler are – S. Roaldson
                                                                                              K. Black
                                                                                               S. Clark

Seconded by R. Pratt.  Motion Passed.

Motion by M. Bahr to pay Dean Richardson a basic days pay for training of LC for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec. for layoffs.  Seconded by P. Nuebel.  Motion passed.        

Motion to close meeting by Brother Etienne, seconded by Brother Roaldson.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1532.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, October 15, 2012

Meeting was opened by the President in Due Form.

Members in attendance – R Pratt, R Etienne, C Nibler,  J. Dobson,  M. Bahr,  K. Howard, S. Roaldson, R. Tiffany, D. McIver, G. Bryson, K. Anderson, N. Scruggs, J. Zozosky, T. Jacobs, T. Clark, J. Eddins, R. Maggio, K. Atwood, R. Toedtemeier, S. Clark, C. Marsh, W. Knowles, C. Howard, S. Cordes, J. Edwards, D. Richardson, K. Newell, B. Black, J. Larsen, T. Kent, W. Cacas, M. Taylor, K. Taylor, M. Cousineau, E. Gruber, J. Gustafson, D. Lynd, M. Miller, G. Johnson, R. Huelle, B. Campbell, R. McCartney, K. Black.

Motion to dispense reading of the August minutes was made by Brother Bryson, seconded by Brother Etienne, motion passed.

Presentation of bills made by Secretary, Motion to pay bills by Brother Atwood, seconded by Brother Knowles.  Motion passed.

The current membership is 147 

Safety / Cab Committee –  SERP-  Derail on Circle track.  6.32.2 stop and protect, don't depend on MOW, both sides must be protected.  If you have a problem with a driver, SIRP it.

Legislative Rep –  None

Local Chairman

Remote Zones – Be sure you remember the two RCO zones up at the north end of the yard.  A violation would be a decert issue.

Attendance GuidelinesCarrier has tweaked the guidelines once more, now they are counting any regular days off against the 25%.  Just making it harder to get any time off. It appears they have taken away the “any” days from the mix, now if you have a regular scheduled week days off, you may only take weekend days off as your extra day.  Carrier makes a big case about taking weekend days off, then turns around and mandates those with regular week days off may take only weekend days as extra,  This makes sense?

2013 Vacations – Vacations will be done by this Committee again for 2013.  K.W. Dunn is youngest on Engr. Vacation roster for 2013.  Vacation requests must be back to LC by 111512 and will be awarded by seniority.  Please do not enter them in the computer.  If you do not turn in a request, your vacation will be assigned after the youngest engr. gets their choices.

Running through switches while shoving – Make sure your point person is fully aware of everything before moving.

Triangle Arbitration -. Rumors aboard that we already lost the triangle arbitration, not true, nothing has gone to arbitration yet.  Only thing that happened is a judge deemed the dispute a  minor one, this means the route of arbitration is required , not a strike.  Currently arbitration is planned for March- April.  Currently there is no money in the NMB for arbitration.

Typing up Timeslips –  Each person be sure to tie up their own tickets. Carrier is choosing to deem this a dishonesty offense if we tie up someone else.  It doesn't matter if OT is involved or not.

RB McCord  -  RB McCord is new Sup Ops for the Fallbridge as of 1 Oct. He will be based in Pasco.

Longshoremen contract  - Longshoremen may go out on strike at any time.  It is illegal to picket a main line.  Picketing may be at United or Rivergate.  We will hand off to carrier officer at picket line.            

Article 11 (Seniority – Vacation) Mark ups. - Please remember that when marking up under Article 11 issues, you are allowed to “await turn”.  When returning from vacation, and reclaiming your turn, you may await turn if out of town and if displacing youngest engr. in pool and is out of town, you may await turn.  If exercising bump, and turn is out of town, you may await turn.  Make sure crew does this and be sure to report any refusals by crew to do so, don't wait until your turn has already gone to work. 

If marking up from any PLD or regular layoff, you go to the bottom of the board.

 Safety Participation – Carrier is changing ways of counting safety participation hours for FML.  Carrier served notice that they will only count the hours participating in safety towards FML accumulated hours.  Before the hours wee “make whole” for what the job you owned made.  Letters have already been exchanged.  More to come as it develops.

Vote -  Ballots are coming, Please make sure to vote.  Make sure your return address is on the outer envelope or it will not count.  The right to vote was given to us in blood – exercise that right.

New Business -

Motion is made to accept G. Johnson as a member of Division 758 by G. Bryson, seconded by K. Taylor.  Motion passed. 

Motion to close meeting by Brother Atwood, and seconded by Sister Taylor. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 1552.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, November 19, 2012

Meeting Began 1305

I) Opening by President Nibler.

A.) Reading of the Minutes for Oct. 2012 Meeting.

1. Motion to suspend reading of the Oct.20l2 minutes by Brother McIver.

a. Motion 2nd by S.P. Clark

b. vote to suspend reading of minutes is unanimous.

B.) ·Reading of the expense report and assets by Pres. Nibler account Sec./Treas. Pratt is absent.

1. Expenses are found on attached exhibit marked
2. Motion to pay bills made by Sis. Nuebel
a. Motion seconded by Bro. Cordes
h. Motion voted and is unanimous.

C.) Words from Pres. Nibler

1. Meeting participation from general membership has increased since meeting site was changed to pizza shop location. He stressed importance of keeping Union meeting communications confidential, and encouraged voting participation and adherence to voting integrity.

C.) Cab Committee Reports. Sis. Nuebel

1. Reports of cab defects is improving.
2. 6000 series Locomotives are catching fire from sidewall heater wiring and we should beware if unusual smells are found inside cab.
3. Random locomotive inspections are being performed by cab committee members.4. Cab cleaning "totes" will not be used as' it is a clear case of crossing craft lines. Roundhouse is to clean all power regardless if it is "flip Power" or roundhouse serviced power.

D.) Safety Committee. Bro. Howard

1. Most S.I.R.P. issues are now M.O.W. issues.
2. Storybooks are mostly completed and are in trainmasters office for use.
3. Random van audits are being performed.
4; Vans and Drivers are not to be S.I.R.P.'ed but are to be immediately reported to the Trainmaster.
5. A internet accessible port is going to be
installed for crew access for down loading rulebooks and other items.
6. Paper trail for unsafe drivers is crucial.
7. Electric switch heaters are being installed at various locations on the Fallbridge Sub.
8. Conductor certification' is in effect. Members are encouraged to know the new conditions for this new change as it might affect us individually.
9. Oil trains can be KEY trains or not depending on. the grade of crude oil carried. Information found on wheel report.
.10. Safety feed planned for January. B.L.E.T. will not participate in the planning and implementation.
11. N.P. Pass walking conditions are improving.
12. Santa Train scheduled for 15 December.
13. Canned food drive sponsored by Evergreen School District Students is underway .. Please support.Food and hygiene items requested.

E.) Legislative Rep. Bro. Hill

1. Hill reports single person crews were discussed at the most recent Washington State Legislative meeting with President Pierce who was in attendance there. Pierce reported that the UTU stymied efforts to curtail this by undermining cooperative efforts with the B.L.E.T.
2. Triangle and mediation was discussed at recent Washington State Legislative Board meeting with Pres. Pierce. Brother Etienne strictly objected to the attempt of Brother Hill to interject himself into mediation process, further stating that it is the L.C. duty and responsibility to address this matter.
3. Washington State Legislative Board approved a general dues increase of $2.00/month.
4. Finance Reports from the Washington State Legislative Board are forth coming

F.) Local Chairman Notes, Bro. Etienne.

1.          2013 Vacations
Vacations will be done by this Committee again for 2013.
All apps are in.
We will be doing them soon, and post the results.
Allocations were reduced some.
We get only one big week for Christmas instead of 2.

2.          Trainmen dues Structure.

·         National dues = $24.00
Convention = $2.00
Dedicated  = $2.00
Education = $1.00
GCA Dues = $29.00
WA SLB = $7.50
Div. 758 Local = $17.50
Total = $83.00

3.          Pantry Project

4.          Triangle Arbitration

·         Nothing has gone to arbitration yet.
Just rumors

5.          Tying up Timeslips

·      Make sure you tie up only your own timeslips.
Carrier is choosing to deem this a dishonesty offense if we tie up someone else.
Doesn’t matter if OT is involved or not.

6.          Single Day Vacations

·         After 5 years carrier is reneging on part of our vacation agreement.
Agreement allows for vacations between 0730-0729.
Pre protection from 2230 the night before.
Carrier says those with regular jobs going on duty before 0730 are auto marked up and required to protect those assignments.
There has been one investigation for NOS so far.
Claimant was found guilty.
Each of you will have to decide what to do if you own a regular job on duty before 0730.
Question was raised how to tie a PLD onto a VAC day seamlessly.
We know it cannot be done, but carrier says it can.
Request those doing a single day vac attempt to tie a PLD right behind a VAC (Using 0730-0729)
Then we will see if it works.
This is supposed to protect from a NOS
This will have to go to arbitration to fix.
Once again carrier is dishonest and a cheat.

7.          Conductor Certification.

·      December 1 is the official date.
Paperwork is on the table.
6 things to decert both Cdr. and Engr.
6 things to decert only Cdr & switch foreman.
Those 6 have to be in connection with an incident happening.

8.          Longshoremen contract.

·         Longshoremen may go out on strike at any time.
It is illegal to picket a main line.
Pickets may be at United, or at Rivergate.
We will hand train off to carrier officer at picket lines.
We will take train to Ramsey Yd. at T6 probably and hand it off.
Probably hand train off at yard office for United.

9.          Article 11 (Seniority-Vacation) Mark ups.

·         Article 11 moves allow for “await turn”.
This means vacation returns and bumps.

 10.      Carrier is changing ways of counting Safety participation hours for FML

·            Carrier served notice that they will only count the hours participating in Safety toward FML accumulated hours.
Before, the hours were “make whole” for what the job you owned made.
Letters have already been exchanged.
More as it develops.

11.      Whatever else is on the member’s mind

G.) New Business

1. Brother Beckwith asked about lack of garbage cans at Apple Tree/ 11th St.
2. Personal phones are not ringing but going to straight to voice mail when BNSF crew calls are coming in. Possible missed calls are occurring.
3. Brother Etienne informs us that-when coming off a temporary assignment crew is not informing us properly of the change.

Brother Hill seeks an official Division 758 Resolution supporting the trade group "Alliance for Northwest Jobs ... " concerning the shipping of coal and other commodities from northwest ports.
    a. Brother Bahr makes motion to approve of said Resolution. '
    b. Brother Hill seconded the motion.
    c. Motion passes with 2 dissentions and 18 approving votes.
5. Brother Hill informed members of an insurance product that he endorses and further information is forthcoming.
6. Brother Etienne makes a "point of Order" that Robert Hill's dispersal of information is directed to a few individuals and not generally sent to all members as required by his position. News and developments should be sent to the President of the Division for review. As per President Nibler, Hill's e-mail address can be posted at yard office and people can contact him for permission to e-mail them. Hill indicated he understood the instructions and reprimand.
7. Brother Etienne makes motion to have the Washington State Legislative Board's finances and procedures audited and that all finances and procedures of the board be available to the Local Entities as required by the constitution.
    a. Brother Richardson seconded the motion.
    b. Motion voted upon and carried unanimously.
8. Brother Etienne informs membership that a letter from the General Committee of Adjustment was sent to Labor Relations concerning
company's improper calculations of FMLA standards. Brother Nibler emphasized the difficulty in properly registering for FMLA
9. Sister Kent thanks all for donations for the Christmas Party.
10. Bro. S. Clark discussed identity theft as it has occurred in our terminal.

  1. Election Committee procedures were discussed.

 II.) Brother Huelle, made motion to close meeting.

A.) motion seconded by Brother D. McIver

Meeting adjourned. at 1504.

Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, December 17, 2012

Meeting was opened by the President in Due Form.

Members in attendance – R Pratt, R Etienne, C Nibler,  J. Dobson,  M. Bahr,  K. Howard, S. Roaldson, R. Tiffiany, G. Bryson, J. Zozosky, T. Clark, J. Eddins, S. Clark, C. Howard, S. Cordes, J. Edwards, D. Richardson, D. Lynd,  G. Johnson, R. Huelle, R. McCartney, K. Black, L Coughlin, V. Smith, P. Nuebel, T. Brown, K. Huelle, E. Gruber, J. Skurued.

Motion to dispense reading of the November minnutes was made by Brother Huelle,  seconded by Brother Bryson, motion passed.

Presentation of bills made by Secretary, Motion to pay bills by Brother Bryson, seconded by Sister Nuebel. Motion passed. 

The current membership is 146

Safety / Cab Committee –  Power point presentation is available.  Cookies and coffee to roundhouse for good service.  Trying to get limited command line to check engines status.

Crews working under UTU agreement must have a combined 1 years service, if not, request a mentor.

Winter Action plans – Become aware of what they entail.  

Legislative Rep –  None

Local Chairman –

HPT Reporting –  You are required to report any change in your consist each  time it changes and your original on duty location constitutes a change, regardless of it being reported the previous  leg, you have to report.  Use the LIR phone line at 817-593-7670 or 800-327-3230.  Carrier plans to cite for investigation very soon.  This is part of our job to do this, so do it.   

Advisory Mtng. 121412–  An advisory mtng was held with Vice President Preister and GC Wilson regarding the triangle and a proposed triangle agreement was made.  This agreement, if ratified would back date the pay for triangle engineers to beginning of pool.  The purpose of the agreement is to make sure a better agreement is in place in case arbitration goes against us.  If it does not ratify this would be the agreement the neutral would look at if arbitration fails, this way all bases are covered.  It was suggested an agreement would probably be easier to ratify if those crews were dovetailed into the pool rather than first out, he said he would bring it up.  The agreement will be presented for vote in Jan.  Members will have to decide if they want a Division vote or individual ballots.    

Van Issues –  If you are riding in a van and you feel the driver is performing unsafely do this:

First ask if the driver is OK, do they want to pull over and take a break?  Need rest?  If not and continue to be unsafe,  quietly and politely ask the driver to pull over and ask for another driver from the Vanc. TM, don't continue riding the van into town, since you feel the driver is unsafe.

Document fully, giving the Terminal manager a copy, safety committee a copy , LC a copy and keep a copy.  Using the SIRP process for unsafe drivers creates an unsafe lag time in reporting.

Remember, always be courtesy – shouting is not needed.

Single Day Vacations – Carrier continues to expect us to mark up early from single day vacation if our job goes to work before 0730, this is a violation of our agreement, Article 11, 2007 agreement.  Protect yourself from a NOS until this can be arbitrated.  Put in a penalty for carrier not allowing you full vacation day each time this happens.

 Conductor Certification -.Please remember that all employees are certified at this time and be sure to learn what will decert. a cond. or switch foreman.  

Change of how “FRA Day” is counted –  Be sure to familiarize yourself on how this change affects you.  A new calendar day will no longer be 0001 – 2359.  A new calendar day will be the 24 hours period immediately following your last tie up.  This does away with multiple starts in the same calendar day.  Smart Rest agreement has also been modified to reflect the new change.

Article 11 (Seniority – Vacation) Mark ups. -  Article 11 moves allow for “await turn”.  This means vacation returns and bumps.

 New Business -

Election Results

President – Russ Huelle

Vice President -  Darrin McIver

Del. To National -  Dean Richardson

Leg. Rep. - Kevin Howard

First Vice Local – Mike Bahr

Second Vice Local – Howard Allington

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Brother Bryson, seconded by Sister Nuebel. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 1531.